Photoshop Files Included: Photoshop ATN file! Works With: JPG! Minimum Adobe CS Version: CS3! MixArt - Sketch Painting Photoshop Action will automatically create sketch painting effect for your image
MixArt - Sketch Painting Photoshop Action will automatically create sketch painting effect for your image. lots of graphic elements, effects and also some adjustment tools that will enable you to easily customize the look. Save your time, simplify your works! You do not need to spend lots of time to create these complex effects manually.
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File Info
Photoshop Files Included: Photoshop ATN file
Works With: JPG
Minimum Adobe CS Version: CS3
Fully editable layers, Well organized layers, Non-destructive effects, User’s guide included in PDF files.
For the best result, it is recommended to use high resolution photos around 1500 – 3500 px (min 72dpi) MixArt - Sketch Painting has been tested and works on Photoshop CS3, CS4, CS5, CS6 and CC+.
Text and watercolor textures used on “Splash Me!” design above are not included in downloaded file
Download and Play the MixArt - Sketch Painting action here.
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